FASP Technology & Communications

FASP Technology & Communications

FASP's Technology and Communications committee are to utilize the latest multi-media techniques to enhance FASP's ability to disseminate information, improve communication, and participate in the enhancement of distance-learning opportunities for members, other educational and related professionals, and parents.

Michelle Robertson-Shephard, FASP Technology & Communications Chair

Join the Committee - Your involvement is crucial to advancement in the technology used by FASP and the communication to visitors and members! Email the committee chair with your interest. Check out the Technology & Communications Interest Group's site: Google+

The responsibilities of the Technology & Communications committee are always evolving. The committee is always considering ways to maximize communications among FASP and all the individuals that visit the website. Revisions are constant and every part of the website is considered a working draft, with feedback from users welcomed.

Along with maintaining FASP's website, the creation and distribution of the FASP Flash, a monthly electronic newsletter sent to members, is also the responsibility of the Technology & Communications committee.