FASP BusinessThe use of the FASP logo (printed or in electronic) form on items other than letterhead or envelopes must be pre-authorized by the President or the Executive Board. FASP's Strategic PlanIn order to carry out the mission of FASP, five strategic priorities were approved by the FASP Executive Board in July of 2019. To further the accomplishments of specific goals, strategic objectives, strategies, and target results/outcomes were developed for each of the five priorities. The document can be viewed here. FASP's Policies, Procedures, & Positions (PPP)Initially adopted in 1998, FASP's PPP was designed to aid FASP Executive Board members in performing the duties required by their positions. The procedures include advisory recommendations contributed by previous FASP Executive Board members for the expedient performance of required office and committee functions. FASP Bylaws govern the manner in which the Association conducts business, and the mechanism for amending those Bylaws is clearly specified. FASP's PPP can be viewed here. FASP Annual Business Meetings and MotionsFASP's Secretary maintains an archive of Annual Business Meeting minutes and motion summaries to date. These archives can be viewed here. |